When receiving cryptocurrency assets, be sure to select the correct network or your funds will be lost. You can use your Exchanger101 wallet to receive supported cryptocurrencies on different blockchain networks which includes Binance Smart Chain (BEP20), Tron Network (TRC20), Ethereum Network (ERC20), & Bitcoin Network
With Exchanger101, you are in control of your funds – so you can receive, send, store and sell your cryptocurrency within the mobile app. You can share your unique cryptocurrency address or QR code to receive unlimited amount of funds from any crypto wallet to your exchanger101 wallet after signing up, all for FREE! 😁
Zero Charges. Zero Fees. No Limits!
Step 1: Go to ‘Wallet’
Once you complete your registration on the Exchanger101 mobile app, you get a free crypto asset wallet for multiple coins such as BTC,ETH,TRX,USDT,USDC,BNB & MORE
Step 2: Select the crypto asset
Your Exchanger101 Wallet makes it easy and convenient to store your crypto assets. Select the cryptocurrency you will like to receive. For example, Bitcoin (BTC)
Step 3: Click on ‘Receive’
Step 4: Copy the wallet address or scan the QR code provided
Once the asset is selected, the QR code and address will populate (new users will have their address generated immediately they click receive within 1 min).
To receive cryptocurrency, you can share your address by selecting the the Copy icon & pasting the sender your address OR allowing the sender to scan your QR code by showing them your mobile device or sending a screenshot of your QR CODE
Step 5: Wait To Receive Your Cryptocurrency
Your crypto asset will be received into your wallet once confirmation on the blockchain is completed. Easy Peasy! 😀
Trust The Process 💯
Useful links : Click Here for Video Tutorial